for a winning business plan:
1 ) Clarity: a good business plan must communicate its contents easily and practical, with no possibility 'of misunderstanding. The language used should be straightforward and easy to understand. A business plan should never be too long (never more 'than 70 pages!) Otherwise it' the its bankers' venture capital ever read it.for a winning business plan:
2) Specificity ': the plan must submit a final goal with the specific milestones (milestones), Distinguished by specific characteristics and measurable. Each activity requires milestone 'specific, involving the appointment of managers, the allocation of budget and exact dates.
3) Credibility ': activities' proposals for the development of the idea and business budgets are estimated to be credible and realistic. Objectives and action programs unrealistic value deprive the concrete realization of the business plan.
4) Completeness: a business plan must include all information necessary for the development of the idea of business and every part must be described with the right level of detail.
But it is not 'over ...
You can follow the letter all the suggestions that I have just given, but if you make only 1 mistake you can "burn" Your only chance 'of success. For example, if you mess up the analysis of forecast cash flows, could jeopardize the whole idea of development. Speaking of cash is not 'how to talk about profits. History shows that the wrong approach to cash flow management leads to a series of mistakes that could lead to big headaches for the company (See the famous case of VolareWeb!).ERRORS
that you absolutely must avoid:
1) Ignore the direct and indirect competitors.A careful analysis of the competitive environment is not judged by lenders as a possible over-reliance by management on the idea business. This attitude could lead to failure very confident prediction and / or vision of external factors that ultimately may have a negative impact on growth.that you absolutely must avoid:
2) Write the Business Plan as if they were market research.
There are entrepreneurs who write market research, instead of 'strategic business plans. Pages soaked strategic terms (First-mover advantage, leveraged revenue model, etc..). All terms technique that creates "so much smoke but little-roasted" and that often has no connection with the practical and concrete case to be proposed to donors.
3) To present financial projections unlikely.
For example, a plan where it is estimated a return of 100% or even more 'on investment for each of the next 5 years ..... even if everything 'might actually happen, in the eyes of lenders appears unlikely.
Financial data is not consistent with industry standards to which they belong or extremely aggressive adversely affect the credibility 'of the same business plan and consequently the possibility' of getting the funding drop drastically!
4) Do not protect the information contained in the Strategic Business Plan.
And 'fundamental rule to safeguard the information in a Business Plan, by signing readers of the plan (consultants or investors) a specific agreement or a confidentiality clause '. Forget this "small print 'can' mean ... give to others an idea of gold.
There are many other errors "minor" that you may commit, that never goes out unnoticed in the eyes of an expert but, unfortunately, often, to whom and escape 'to the first weapons in the creation of a Business Plan ...
The way most 'safe
to write a good business plan ...
to write a good business plan ...
The way most 'safe, fast and effective way to write a winning business plan, and' to get help from an expert in the field and use some "tools of the trade" that will help in this process. You currently have 3 options ...
1) Talk to a consultant expert in business plan. This is' the best solution, but also + expensive (a day's consultancy costs on average between 500 and 1000 euros).
2) Use calculation software automatic to create Business Plan. This is a solution rather rigid and schematic, which often requires a high dowry patience (learn to use such software is not 'so' simple) and that just lends itself to change and customization.
3) Attend a course in classroom to discover the "secrets" of the trade from an industry expert. That 'a great way to learn quickly at a fair price (average 500 euros for 1 day course). The real problem, and 'finding one (of courses and experts in business plan we There are few in Italy) and have the time and inclination to move an entire home or office day.
There would also be a 4to solution that we created to solve all the problems mentioned above. This is the 1, multimedia course in Italy Business Plan that guides you step-by-step in the creation of a Business Plan effectively, through audio and video video, Teaching materials and practical tools, As well ' 1 month free support a professional adviser.
With this multimedia course not lose one day of work: you can follow where you want it (From home), when you want it (Also in the evening or on vacation) and review it every time that want, at no additional cost!
By- Fadi Karnaby
By- Fadi Karnaby
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