Management control in the economic enterprise is the theme of the day training organized by Confederation of Caserta, which will take place tomorrow, November 17, 2011, from 9.30 at the headquarters of the employer, dedicated to the owners, administrators and business management, controllers, accountants and business.
The seminar is aimed at two objectives: 1) provide an overview of the tools and skills that allow management to plan, manage, organize, decide and control the activities of the business to improve economic performance, finances and assets; 2 ) provide the elements necessary and essential to the development of a fully integrated organizational model that facilitates communication between different business entities and ensure operational efficiency and reliability of data. The study day will be divided into two training sessions: a time analysis of the issues which will take place in the first part of the day, and another, however, laboratory, which will be presented practical solutions for systems analysis economic management.
Absolute importance of the speakers at the seminar: Nicola Bright, a professor of "Economics and Business Administration" and "Methods and quantitative determinations of business" in the Faculty of Education of the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti -Pescara, Raffaele Marcello, chartered accountant and member of the Steering Committee IRDCEC, professor of "Economics of the concentrations of the groups and business" in the same faculty of Chieti-Pescara, and David Vierzi degree in Economics and Commerce, responsible for Business Development Project Area, consultant to large companies for the construction of management control systems. Here is the schedule of events, which will be introduced by the greetings of the President of Confindustria Caserta, Antonio Della Gatta, and the President of Chartered Accountants, Francis Raucci.Hours 10.15 to 11.15 - Part One - The Management Control in the economic enterprise; The various meanings of management control; The functional and the types of management control, the company information system and its tools for management control.
Hours 11.15 to 12.15 - Part Two - The management control in the "manufacturers" Analysis of production costs; The analysis of the profitability of the contract; The business reporting.Hours 12.30 to 13.30 Part Three - The management control in the "utilities" The cost of services; The analysis of revenues and profitability of the study, the reporting company.14.30 - 15.30 - Part Four - The solution for the economic analysis of systems management. 15.30 hours - Deadline event and delivery of the text "Enterprise System - Over the accounts"
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